Speak Korean in 12 Weeks

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What My Clients Say:


1. It Gives You the BEST Framework for Mastering Korean and Achieving a Conversational Level in 12-16 Weeks:

  • Which textbooks to use and how to study with them
  • How to learn grammar and vocabulary in the fastest way
  • How to Find the Best Korean Teachers
  • Where and How to Practice Korean

2. It's for ALL LEVELS: 

  • Video lessons cater to all levels, from beginner to advanced.
  • They provide explanations that are easier to understand than those found in textbooks and facilitate studying and practice.
  • Includes a PDF eBook, audio recordings, and links to useful resources for learning Korean.
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What you Get:

  • Quick Basics of Korean Alphabet
  • Simple Guide to Korean Syllables
  • Real-Life Korean Dialogues for ALL Levels
  • Detailed Video Explanations of the Most Frequent Korean Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Best Strategy for Mastering Korean on a Fluent Level from Home as Fast as Possible
  • Guide to the Best Materials to Use for Mastering Korean on a Fluent Level
  • Access to the PDF and Audio Materials
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